Our Story
The Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trail is administered by the Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trail Alliance (KLHTA), which coordinates marketing and educational initiatives for its members, engages in advocacy efforts on behalf of Lincoln-related organizations and communities, and makes all decisions regarding the makeup and focus of the trail. The KLHTA is a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization and is governed by a board of directors consisting of representatives from Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trial sites. The Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trail traces its origins to the 1960s, when the states of Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky partnered to develop a tri-state Lincoln Trail. While successful for many years, this Lincoln Trail eventually faded, leaving only a handful of way finding markers, some of which are still posted today. During the Lincoln Bicentennial Commemoration (2008-2010), Kentucky’s Lincoln trail was re-established through a partnership of state government agencies as well as local, federal, and nonprofit organizations. The Lincoln Heritage Trail is not only a physical journey through Lincoln’s boyhood, it is a personal journey through a life that continually brought Lincoln into contact with his fellow Kentuckians.The Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trail is supported by tourism offices in Lincoln Trail communities, the Kentucky Department of Travel, and by member dues. Past support has come from the Kentucky Heritage Council, the Kentucky Historical Society, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, and the Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation. For more information about the Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trail, please contact Warren Greer, at warren.greer@kentuckylincolntrail.org .